本日「第46期 第7回 経営計画発表会」を行いました。
自 平成28年7月 1日
至 平成29年6月30日
◎ 経営計画書は、定期的に朝礼等で唱和・輪読します。
◎ フィロソフィーについては、今後も勉強し続けます。
- 目次
№ | 内 容 | ペ ー ジ |
第46期 経営計画発表会 次第 | 2 | |
1-11-2 | 経営理念商売のテーマ | 2 |
2 | はじめに | 3 |
3 | 第46期 経営目標 | 3-4 |
4 | 経営基本方針 | 4 |
5 | 商品に関する方針 | 5 |
6 | 得意先に関する方針 | 5 |
7 | 販売促進に関する方針 | 5 |
8 | 新商品開発に関する方針 | 6 |
9 | 内部体制に関する方針 | 6 |
10 | クレームに関する方針 | 6 |
11 | 社員教育に関する方針 | 7 |
12 | 社員の待遇に関する方針 | 7 |
13 | 5S(環境整備)に関する方針 | 7 |
14 | 長期事業構想 | 7 |
15 | 資金運用に関する方針 | 8 |
16 | 社長の姿勢 | 8 |
17 | 会社内接客マニュアル | 8 |
18 | 服装・身だしなみマニュアル | 9 |
19 | 年間行事予定表 | 9 |
20 | 組織体制 | 10 |
21 | その他 | 10 |
- 第46期 経営計画発表会
【日 時】2016年8月13日(土)
【会 場】大山食品株式会社 第一工場 会議室
【出席者】経営計画書配布先一覧 (配布 合計:名)
大山食品株式会社 (大山食品 計:名)
※後日配布予定 ( 計:名)
【次 第】第46期経営計画発表会
大山食品株式会社 大山憲一郎
- 1-1. 経営理念
- 全従業員の物心両面の幸福と健康を追求する。
- 世の中の役に立ち、お客様・お取引先様に喜ばれる会社になる。
- 地球の循環を取り戻し、子供たちが未来永劫にわたり健康に安心して暮らしていけるようにする。
- 1-2. 商売のテーマ
その何かとは次の5つです。①生存本能(有形)②群居衝動(無形)③自己重要感(無形) ④夢(無形) ⑤好奇心(無形) ※五大本能的衝動
- お客様へ、美味しくて健康に良いものを、
- お客様という名の、友をつくり、
- お客様の声に耳を傾け、
- お客様と、明るい未来への夢を語り、
- お客様の欲する情報や知識を、発信し続けます。
- 不味さ、健康に良くないもの、不適正な価格、手を抜いたサービス
- 孤独感
- 劣等感
- 夢の無い事
- 情報遮断、無知
- 2. はじめに
- 3. 第46期 経営目標
- 売上高・・・・・・・・・円
- 月間平均売上高・・・・・・円
- 売上総利益・・・・・・・円
- 粗利率・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・%
- 販売管理費・・・・・・・・円
- 販売管理費率・・・・・・・・・・・・・・%
- 営業利益・・・・・・・・・円
- 営業利益率・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・%
期 | 売上高(百万円) | 売上総利益 | 粗利率(%) | 販売管理費 | 販管費率 | 営業利益 |
28 | ||||||
47 |
- 4. 経営基本方針
- お客様第一主義に徹する。
- お客様からの頼まれごとを形にする会社となる。
- 5S(環境整備)・2S(整理・整頓)を徹底する。
◎5S(環境整備) ・2S(整理・整頓)こそ全ての事業活動の第一歩、原点です。お客様第一の思想を具現化するため、規律、安全、衛生の徹底と、工場内外の清掃、整頓を行い、その中から優れた商品、サービスをお客様に提供する。
- 循環する世界の構築をします。循環しないものはやがて必ず滅びていきます。全てが循環するように事業をおこないます。
- 5. 商品に関する方針
- ニッチトップにおいて、品質、生産量共に日本一を目指す。
- 最高の原料を使い、コストを意識しない製品作りをし、かつ、お客様に支持される商品作りをする。
- 現代はオートメーション化、自動化の方向に進んでいるが、我が社は、あえて、逆方向の手間隙かけてお客様に満足していただける商品作りを進める。
- お客様は、より美味しいお酢、こんにゃく、農産加工品を求めており、原料のチェック、味、色、香り、食味の改良等、さまざまな研究をかさね、データ化し、お客様に美味しさの証明が出来る研究開発をする。
- 我が社の得意とする商品分野はますます強化し、弱い商品は機を見て、切り捨て、スクラップ&ビルドを行う。※今期の目標は、現在ある商品アイテムをアイテム(売上の%をカバー)からアイテム(売上の%をカバー)にする。
- 最重点売行商品は必要最小限の在庫を持ち、品切れを起こさないようにする。
- 美味しい商品をお客様に安定供給するため、製品の発酵期間・熟成期間・漬込期間を数値化して定め、マニュアル化する。
- お酢、こんにゃく、農産加工品は、使用目的に応じた、味や容量の多種類化で、我が社の方向性に賛同してくださる、すべてのお客様に満足していただける商品構成とし、お客様満足度の向上を図る。
- 5S(環境整備) ・2S(整理・整頓)を徹底的に実践し、安全で、清潔かつ快適な職場環境を整備する。
- 健全な経営を推進するために、トヨタ生産方式にて、在庫管理・生産管理を行い生産性を向上させ収益性を高める。
- 6. 得意先に関する方針
- 我が社にとっての営業とは、顧客確保のための定期訪問をすることで、特定地域、及び主要得意先を集中訪問する。※今期の目標は、現在ある得意先を軒(売上の%をカバー)から軒(売上の%をカバー)にする。
- 社長は、顧客訪問を積極的に行う。
- 得意先への営業活動はお客様の意見をよく聞き、よりよき人間関係を構築してこそ真の営業が出来るのであり、お客様第一主義の原則に徹する。
- 7. 販売促進に関する方針
- 宣伝、広告は、パブリシティー、展示会等により行う。
- 同行訪問販売を行い、卸屋さん、問屋さん、メーカーの担当者と一緒に、販売店、最終得意先様を訪問する。
- 各地の販売に協力できるネットワーク有力販売店を開拓し、売れ筋情報の提供や、情報の交換を行う。また、定期的に工場見学会、試食会試飲会等を実施する。
- 蛇口訪問(小売店、販売店訪問)、を徹底する。
- 価格決定は、社長決裁とする。
- 8. 新商品開発に関する方針
- 新商品開発部門を社長直轄部門とする。
- 研究開発には、各情報の収集と、分析、試作、試食テストを重ね、他にまねのできない商品開発をし、自社製品開発得意分野を生かせる商品とする。
- 未来商品をリストアップし、小さなマーケットで大きなシェアが得られるものにしぼる。
- お客様ブランド(PB・OEM)製品開発は、スピードを重視しながらも、十分に検討を加えて、商品化する。
- はじめは小規模生産し、売行きを確認してから規模拡大する。
- 新商品は安全で全ての人が安心して食べられることを最重点とし、全ての人に健康をお届けする商品を開発する。
- 安いから買いやすい商品からは脱却し、価値があるから買いやすい商品を目指す。
- 開発者・製造者自らが、積極的に使用したいと強く想える新商品の開発をする。
- 循環する世界へ貢献する新商品開発をする。
- 9. 内部体制に関する方針
- 売上も利益も社内にいてはあがらない。社内に成果なく、全てお客様の所にある。社長、営業部員は訪問し、直接お客様の要望をよく聞き、内勤の製造、研究開発、管理、各部社員もお客様のためになることを考えて仕事をする。
- 我が社の組織は、お客様の要求を満たすための方針、指令、伝達がスムーズに行われるよう組織の階層は最小限とする。
- 我が社の組織は外部情勢の変化に対応するため柔軟に討議ができ、何でも発言、発表ができ、真に事業経営に役立つ組織とする。
- お客様の要求を満たすことは、面倒くさく、経費がかかり、能率の悪いものであることを肝に銘じて、我が社の都合は、一切無視して、ただひたすらお客様のためになることのみを考えて行動する。
- 10. クレームに関する方針
- クレーム処理はあらゆる事業活動より優先し、発生したらすみやかに社長、営業リーダー、製造リーダー、営業担当者等、関係者に伝達し、すみやかに対処する。
- 我が社は、そのクレームの原因がお客様にあったとしても、処理と、謝罪を迅速に行う。
- 我が社は、クレームを起した社員の責任は追及せず、そのクレームを関係者に報告しないことを重視し、報告義務違反の責任を問う。
- クレーム処理のための時間と費用は、一切無視し、最も早く対処できる方法をとる。
- 当社の立場の言い訳は絶対にしない。
- クレームのおきた商品はすみやかに回収に、その原因を解明し、再発防止策をお客様に報告する。
- クレームは我が社の信用を落とす最大のピンチである。しかし適切処理すれば信用を上げる最良のチャンスでもある。
- ISO22000に準じた記録の管理と運用を行う。
- 11. 社員教育に関する方針
- 経営計画達成のため、社員教育を実施し、必要な能力の向上をはかる。
- リーダー及び、社員を必要に応じ、社外の研修会、研究会、勉強会、セミナー等に派遣する。
- 朝礼にて、経営理念、環境整備、方針等各項目の唱和、朗読を繰り返し行い、目的意識の統一と徹底をはかる。
- 教育目的達成のための予算は充分にとる。
- トヨタ式生産方式、ISO22000の社員教育を継続的に実施する。
- 主催のトヨタ式生産方式研修会に毎年1名参加させる。
- 循環や健康に関する勉強会や講習会、研修会を企画、運営し、参加する。
- 12. 社員の待遇に関する方針
- 社員が希望と生きがいを感じる会社にするため、会社は誠意を持ってむくいる。
- 全社員の充実した生活を満たすため、給与賞与の策定は、社会労務士に意見を聞き、基本給等により決定し、経営状況に応じた可能な限りの、高賃金政策をとる。
- 社員が一生健康で幸せな生活ができるように、食や健康に関する講習会、講演会、勉強会等の企画や運営を積極的に行う。または、そういった有益な講習会、講演会、勉強会に積極的に参加する。
- 13. 5S(環境整備)に関する方針
- 5S(環境整備) 規律、清潔、整頓、安全、衛生の5つであり、すべての企業活動の原点である。
- 徹底して、徹底的に、社内外を清潔にするため、いらないものを捨てて、整理整頓をする。
- 5S(環境整備)を進め、我が業界の中で日本一の環境の整った会社とする。
- 5S(環境整備)は、給料の支給する時間内に行う。
- 担当区域を定め、社長、社員全員が整備に当たる。
- 環境整備に必要な用具、器具等は、充分に使う。汚れたらすみやかに取り替える。
- 工場、車両は、我が社の顔であり、物言わぬ営業マンであることを常に考え環境整備の徹底に努め、「大山は5S(環境整備)が素晴らしい」という口コミで仕事が広がるまでやりとおす。
- トイレ、窓ガラス、車両を特にピカピカに磨き上げ最も清潔なところとし、我が社の顔とする。
- ごみ、粗大ごみは、あたかも商品が並んでいるように整頓し、チリ入れ、ごみ収集ボックスは、きれいなものとし高級化する。
- 14. 長期事業構想
- 食べ物は味である。最高の原料を使い、コストを意識しない品質第一主義の製品作りをする。
- お酢、こんにゃく、農産加工品でニッチトップにおいて、品質、生産量共に日本一となる。シェア50%以上とする。
- 安定成長するため、柱となる製品を3つ以上持つ。
- 日本一製品作りへの設備投資は積極的に行う。
- 季節変動を少なくするため、お酢、こんにゃく、農産加工品の季節商材の組み合わせを考えて行う。
- 通信販売での売上を年内に万円(月)、年半後に万円(月)を達成する。
- 年かけて、アルコール製造販売事業(リキュール事業)を軌道に乗せる。
- 工場/機械/包材/原料/素材を選定する時は、循環する世界構築へ向かっているかを考える。
- 15. 資金運用に関する方針
- 目まぐるしく変化する経済状況のいかなる事態に直面しても倒産しない会社をめざす。
- 主力金融機関(メインバンク)は様にお願いし、社長は、必ず月に1回メインバンク(様)を訪問し、経営状況の説明をする。
- 定期預金は年商の%(円)を目標とする。
- 手形の振出は最小限にする。
- 資金繰り表を作成し、主力金融機関に提出する。
- 年後(期)には無借金経営になるように計画を立てる。
- 16. 社長の姿勢
- 事業の本質は市場活動である。
- 顧客第一主義に徹し、世の中の流れを見極めながら、我が社を変えていく。
- 高付加価値、高収益の企業体を創り出す。
- 5S(環境整備) (※特に2S(整理・整頓))こそ、すべての活動の原点であることを肝に銘ぜよ。
(1)「顧客サービス」は5S(環境整備) (※特に2S(整理・整頓))から始める。
(2)「信頼性」は5S(環境整備) (※特に2S(整理・整頓))あってこそ。
- お客様あっての企業であることを肝に銘ぜよ。
- 会社の真の支配者は、お客様である。
- 「お客様を創り出す」ことが、事業である。
- 社長はお客様のところへ行け、社長一人でも行け。
- 週1日以上会社にいてはいけない。
- お客様の要求を満たす、正しいサービスを実行する。
- サービスは「心」である。全ての業務に誠意をつくす
- 本物を売ること。
- 17.会社内接客マニュアル
- 来訪者(お客様、郵便局員さん、配送屋さん、業者さん、集金係さん、セールスマン、ご近所の人)の方には、相手が誰であっても、作業をいったん中断して、必ず大きな声で、「いらっしゃいませ」とお迎えする。(トヨタ式生産管理の手法により変更の可能性あり)
- 用件が不明の場合は、「ご用件をお伺い致しましょうか」尋ねる。
- もし5分以上の滞在と分かったら、お客様が来られて5分以内にお茶等をお出しする。
- お客様滞在中に外出するときは、お客様のそばへ行きお客様の正面を向いて「どうぞごゆっくり」という。
- 帰社したときに社内に来訪者がいらっしゃれば、「いらしゃいませ」と快くご挨拶をする。
- 18.服装・身だしなみマニュアル
- 男性女性共通
- 男性
- 女性
- 19. 年間行事予定表 (2016年7月~2017年6月)
行事名 | ○毎月のミーティング●開催目安第1土曜日●開催時間時 | 交流コンパ | ISO勉強会 | 総会 | 経営発表会 | トヨタ式勉強会 | 日程とその他の行事予定※トヨタ式生産方式、ISO22000、商品知識、アメーバ、TPM、フィロソフィー、5S(環境整備)(※特に2S(整理・整頓))、商品開発など会議、打ち合わせは必要に応じて開催 | |
7月 | 7/2 | ○ | ||||||
8月 | 8/6 | ○ | ◯ | ○ | (経営計画発表会8/13 | |||
9月 | 9/3 | ○ | ○ | |||||
10月 | 10/ | ◯黒酢祭後 | ○ | ○ | 第8回黒酢まつり10/22(11~15時) | |||
11月 | 11/ | ○ | ○ | 一泊二日程度の社員研修旅行(案) | ||||
12月 | 12/ | ○ | ○ | |||||
1月 | 1/ | ○新年会 | ○ | ○ | 2017年1月新年会 | |||
2月 | 2/ | ○ | ○ | 総会 | ||||
3月 | 3/ | ○ | ||||||
4月 | 4/ | ○お花見会 | ○ | ○ | お花見会 | |||
5月 | 5/ | ○ | ||||||
6月 | 6/ | ◯発表会後 | ○ | ○ | ○ | 経営計画発表会6~8月 |
- 20. 組織体制 組織図(アメーバ経営を基本とした)
- 2016年8月13日現在
大山食品株式会社【名】 ※代表は除く
《部》 《チーム》
営業部 【名】 ★
製造部【名】 食酢・第1工場チーム:★
- 21. その他
- トヨタ生産方式を全面的に取り入れ、全社的に運用します。
- ISO22000を取得します。(まずは、マーシーに関して)
- アルコール製造販売事業(リキュール事業)を今後年間で軌道にのせます。
- 調味料に関する研究所の立ち上げを行います。
実施内容は、1.「発酵食品の本」作成 ・・・継続
2.大学との連携研究 ・・・継続
3.製造方法の研究 ・・・継続
- BtoC、個人対象の通信販売の開始にともない、小規模コールセンターを設置(パソコン台、CTI*システム式、顧客管理ソフト一式)します。・・継続
- 設備投資、場内整備の実施
- 瓶詰めラインの整備・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・継続
- 工場内天井の整備・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・継続
- 夏場対策の実施・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・継続
- カメ周辺のセキュリティー・・・・・・・・・・・・・継続
- 場内の緑化・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・継続
- 農産加工場の整備・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・継続
- ISO22000に準じた社内整備 ・・・・・・・・・・新規
- トヨタ式生産方式に準じた場内整備・・・・・・・・・新規
- 有機JASへの積極的な取り組み
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※It has been translated into English in English translation software.
I think the funniest English translation is there are many.
Please note.
46th stage
Management plan
Self-2016 July 1,
Itaru 2017 June 30, 2010
Oyama Foods Co., Ltd.
◎ management plan, we can recite, reading circle in the regular morning meeting, and the like.
◎ For philosophy, we will continue to study in the future.
table of contents
№ Description page
46th term management plan recital as soon as 2
1-11-2 management philosophy business of Theme 2
2 Introduction 3
3 46th term management goals 3-4
4 Basic Management Policy 4
5 items on policies 5
Policy 5 on 6 customers
Policy 5 on 7 promotion
8 policy 6 on new product development
Policy 6 on 9 internal system
Policy on 10 claims 6
11 policies on employee education 7
Policy on the treatment of 12 employees 7
13 5S policy on (environmental improvement) 7
14 long-term business vision 7
Policy on 15 fund management 8
16 president of posture 8
17 companies in the service manual 8
18 clothes, grooming Manual 9
19 years Calendar of Events 9
20 Organizational Structure 10
21 Other 10
46th term management plan recital
[Day when] August 13, 2016 (Saturday)
[Venue] Oyama Foods Co., Ltd. The first factory meeting room
[Attendees] management plan distribution destination list (distribution Total: name)
Oyama Foods Co., Ltd. (Oyama food thermometer: name)
At a later date distribution plan ※ (total: name)
[Moderator] Oyama Foods Co., Ltd.
[Next Chapter] Phase 46 management plan recital
Oyama Foods Co., Ltd. Kenichiro Oyama
1-1. Management Philosophy
The pursuit of health and well-being of discretion both sides of all employees.
Useful in the world, become a company that is pleasing to our customers and our suppliers.
Regained the circulation of the Earth, the children are so can live with peace of mind to health over forever.
1-2. Business of theme
“Business is to first satisfy customers.”
for that purpose,
From customers, rather than whether or not obtained anything Once you
To customers, whether given something Once you do it, and think and act.
Is the next of five of its something. ① survival instinct (tangible) ② gregarious impulse (intangible) ③ self-important sense of (intangible) ④ dream (intangible) ⑤ curiosity (intangible) ※ Great instinctive urge
In particular,
To customers, something good for health delicious,
It provides at a reasonable price and thoughtful service,
The name of the customer, a friend made,
Listen to your voice,
And customers, talk about a dream of a brighter future,
Customers’ desire information and knowledge, and we will continue to call.
The reverse of what is to the customer, do not give.
Distaste is, those not good for health, improper price, slipshod service
Inferiority complex
That there is no dream
Information-blocking, ignorance
2. Introduction
August 13, 2016
Than daily, it is a hardship like. I thank from the bottom of my heart.
, It showed the future of the policy and direction in this management plan recital.
Although no different to be “pleasing to the customer” is the most important thing, at the same At the same, everyone, and of “employee (employee)”, “delivery destination, selling destination, relationship destination” everyone is happily happiness of to work with the challenging to, it is important to be living.
To that end, the company over the eternity is, from employees, from society, from our customers, is a company that is required from the members of the parties, products, from employees, from society, from our customers, need from the people of the concerned parties It will be the assumption that it is a commodity that is.
And, also to funding at the same time, to be profitable, if not healthy, even if it is a much needed, can not be the continuation of the company.
And another important thing is, even if can continue the company, if you can not live in peace healthy deteriorated global environment, will be meaningless.
Now the world has full of things that are not circulating.
Everything is circulated, over forever, so that children can live in peace to health, there is a need to start as soon as possible the measures and concrete movement.
To do this, we wrote what to do in this plan.
I went piling up activities based on the business plan, let’s build together a healthy and happy future.
Kenichiro Oyama
3. 46th term management objectives
Sales ……… circle
Average monthly sales …… circle
Gross profit ……. circle
Gross profit margin··················%
Selling, general and administrative expenses …….. circle
Selling, general and administrative expenses rate …………..%
Operating income ……… circle
Operating margin · · · · · ·%
1999 (1999), the transition from 28 Phase ~
Period sales (Millions of yen) Gross profit Gross margin (%) Sales and administrative expenses SG & A expense ratio operating income
4. Basic Management Policy
Devoted to the customer first principle.
2. Employees the company to feel the hope and purpose in life.
The each asked from customers the company to form.
◎ aim a niche product that can not be the entry of a major, aim for the top in the field. (Niche Top)
To thoroughly 5S (environmental improvement) · 2S (organize and tidy).
◎ 5S (environmental improvement) · 2S (organize and tidy) what all of the first step of our business activities, is the origin. To embody your first thought, discipline, safety, and the thoroughness of hygiene, cleaning of the factory inside and outside, performs a tidy, to provide products with superior from among them, the service to our customers.
◎ those that do not need, throw away, you rolled discarded discarded. (Thorough 2S (organizing and tidy))
And the construction of the world circulating. Those that do not circulation will continue to perish without fail soon. All will do business so that circulation.
5. commodity on policies
In the niche top, quality, production volume both aim to Japan.
Use the best raw materials, to create products that do not aware of the cost, and, to making products that are supported by the customer.
Modern automation, but is progressing in the direction of automation, our company is, dare, proceed with the making products that satisfy our customers over in the opposite direction pains.
Customers are more delicious vinegar, konjac, are demanding the processed agricultural products, raw materials of the check, taste, color, aroma, taste and improvements of, overlaid a variety of research, and data reduction, the taste of the certification can be to your the research and development.
Increasingly strengthening the commodity sector that specializes in our company, weak commodity is a look at the machine, truncation, do a scrap-and-build. ※ current term goal is to items the items that are currently from the item (cover the percentage of sales) (cover the percentage of sales).
Most important sales line item has a minimum of inventory necessary, so as not to cause an out-of-stock.
In order to stable supply of delicious products to customers, determined to quantify the fermentation period and ripening period, 漬込 period of the product, the manuals.
Vinegar, konjac, processed agricultural products, depending on the intended use, in a wide variety of taste and capacity, and product mix that satisfy us and agree with the direction of our company, to all of our customers, our customers to improve the satisfaction.
5S (environmental improvement) · 2S (organizing and tidy) thoroughly practice, safe, to develop a clean and comfortable working environment.
In order to promote sound management, at the Toyota Production System, enhance profitability to improve the productivity perform inventory management and production management.
(10) In order to meet the demand from overseas, it completed the acquisition of ISO22000 within the current fiscal year. (First Mercy only)
2. You create a product towards a world built to circulate.
6. Policy on customers
The sales for us, by making the regular visits for customers secure, specific area, and the main customers to concentrate visit. ※ current term goal is, to the eaves of the customers that are currently from the eaves (cover the percentage of sales) (cover the percentage of sales).
President, actively carry out the customer visit.
Operating activities to the customer is to hear well your opinion, what to build a better relationship there than it is true of business, devoted to the principle of customer first principle.
7. policy on promotion
Publicity, advertising, do publicity, by the exhibitions.
◎ in the United States, participated in the exhibition to be opened twice a year, carried out the distribution of tasting and product samples to customers overseas, to attack the prospect.
◎ Product information catalogs, brochures, news, news, etc., season, be distributed to the plan to the customer in accordance with the necessary time.
◎ other, and exhibited at the exhibition, which is considered necessary exhibiting at present situation at home and abroad.
◎ existing products, to suggestions at DM such as new products to regularly specialty partners.
Done for travel door-to-door sales, Mr. Oroshiya, wholesale store, along with the manufacturer of the person in charge, dealer, visit the end customer suppliers.
It pioneered the network leading dealers to cooperate in the sale of various places in the offer and of selling information, the exchange of information. In addition, regular plant tours, to implement the tasting tasting like.
Faucet visit (retail store, dealer visit), and thorough.
Pricing will be with the president approval.
8. new product policy on development
The new product development department with the president under the direct control department.
Research to development, and the collection of each of the information, analysis, prototyping, repeated tasting test, the product development that can not be the other to imitate, and products that capitalize their product development niche.
Future products to list up, squeezed to those large share in a small market can be obtained.
Customers brand (PB · OEM) product development, while an emphasis on speed, in addition to fully discussed, to commercialize.
Introduction to small-scale production, to scale-up from the check the sales.
New products that can eat all of the people is safe in peace as a top priority, to develop products that deliver health to all people.
Move away from the easy to buy goods from the cheapest, it aims to easy to buy goods because there is a value.
Their own developers, manufacturers, and you want a strongly Omoeru development of new products and actively used.
To develop new products that contribute to the world that circulation.
9. Policy on internal system
Sales profits also not rise In its in-house. No results in-house, in the place of all our customers. President, sales staff to visit, listen well the needs of direct customers, manufacturing of-house, research and development, management, to work thinking that the various parts employees also for our customers.
Our organization, policies to meet your requirements, instruction, organization of the hierarchy so that the transmission is carried out smoothly to minimize.
Our organization can flexibly discussion in order to respond to changes in the external situation, anything remark, it is announced, and truly useful in business management organization.
To meet your requirements of, fed up, costly, and remembrance that it is a bad thing of efficiency in the liver, the convenience of our company, thought the only thing to be ignored at all, just single-mindedly for customers to act on.
10. Policy on the claim
Claims processing supersedes all business activities, promptly president Once generated, business leader, production leader, salesperson, etc., is transmitted to the parties concerned, as soon as possible to deal with.
Our company, as well as the cause of the claim was in the customers, quickly perform the processing, an apology.
Our company, is the responsibility of the employees who caused the claim does not pursue, emphasizing that it does not report the complaint to the person concerned, ask the responsibility of reporting obligations violation.
Time and costs for claims processing, absolutely ignore, take the way that most early can be addressed.
Excuse of our position is not absolutely.
To care about the product as soon as possible recovery of the claim, to elucidate the cause, to report the recurrence prevention measures to our customers.
The claim is the largest pinch discredit of our company. But there is also the best opportunity to increase the credit if the appropriate treatment.
Carry out the management and operations of the record that conforms to ISO22000.
11. Policy on employee training
Because of the business plan achievement, conduct employee training, improve the capacity necessary.
Leader and, as needed employees, training sessions outside, research meetings, study sessions, to dispatch to the seminars.
At the morning meeting, management philosophy, environmental improvement, policies, etc. chanting of each item, repeated readings, measure the thorough and unified sense of purpose.
Budget for educational purposes achieved take enough.
The Toyota production system, to continue to implement employee education of ISO22000.
Every year in the Toyota Production System workshop organized by one person to participate.
Workshops and seminars related to circulation and health, the workshop planning, and management, to participate.
12. Policy on treatment of employees
For employees to the company to feel the hope and purpose in life, the company reward in good faith.
In order to meet the fulfilling life of all employees, the development of salary bonuses, social labor consultant listen to the opinion, was determined by the basic pay, etc., as much as possible in accordance with the business conditions, take a high-wage policy.
So that employees can life healthy and happy life, workshops related to food and health, lectures, actively engage in the planning and management of the study groups. Or, such a valuable training sessions, lectures, and actively participate in study sessions.
13. Policy on 5S (Environmental Improvement)
5S (environmental improvement) discipline, clean, tidy, safe, are five of health, which is the origin of all of our business activities.
Thorough and, thoroughly, in order to clean the inside and outside the company, discard those that do not need, to stay organized.
Promoting 5S (environmental improvement), a company well-equipped Japan of the environment in our industry.
5S (environmental improvement) is carried out in time to pay the salary.
Define the charge zone, president, All employees hit the maintenance.
Equipment needed for environmental improvement, equipment, etc., enough to use. Dirty promptly replaced.
Factory, vehicle is the face of our company, committed to always thinking thorough environmental improvement that it is a salesman, not Monoyuwa, spear to spread the work in the reviews of “Oyama 5S (environmental improvement) is great” through .
Toilet, window glass, and in particular where the most clean and polished to shiny vehicle, and our face.
Garbage, bulky waste is, if it were to tidy as lined with goods, put dust, dust collection box, to gentrification and shall clean.
11. First, thoroughly carry out the 2S (organize and tidy).
14. long-term business vision
Basic policy
Food is a taste. Use the best raw materials, to create products of quality first principle is not aware of the cost.
Vinegar, konjac, in niche top in processed agricultural products, quality, production volume both become Japan. Share to 50% or more.
In order to stable growth, with three or more products to be a pillar.
Capital investment in Japan product making is carried out aggressively.
Order to reduce the seasonal fluctuations, do consider a combination of vinegar, konjac, processed agricultural products of the season merchandise.
Yen ten thousand sales in the mail order by the end of the year (month), to achieve million yen to after a year and a half the (month).
Over the year, we put alcohol production and sales (the liqueur business) in orbit.
When you select a plant / machinery / packaging material / raw materials / materials, consider what is heading to the world built to circulate.
15. funding policy related to the operation
Even in the face of rapidly changing any situation of economic conditions aimed at companies that are bankrupt.
Major financial institutions (main bank) is sama, president, certainly once the main bank (like) a visit to the moon, to the description of the management situation.
Time deposits and% of annual sales (the circle) goal.
Drawer of the bill is to minimize.
Create a cash flow table, it is submitted to the major financial institutions.
After year (the fiscal year) plan to be debt-free management.
16. president of attitude
The essence of business is a market activity.
Strong commitment to customer first philosophy, while assessing the flow of the world, will transform our company.
High-value-added, creating a corporate entity of the highly profitable.
… In order to execute the above-mentioned
※ president has a “vision” of our company based on their own “management philosophy”, the goals and policies in order to realize its vision, determined in their own will and responsibility, the management plan for this It is documented.
※ the management plan, seek the cooperation well well explained to employees.
※ of the management plan, the most important measures own efforts, others leave.
5S (environmental improvement) (※ especially 2S (organize and tidy)) what, Meizeyo that it is the origin of all of the activity in the liver.
(1) “customer service” is start from 5S (Environmental Improvement) (※ especially 2S (organize and tidy)).
(2) “reliability” is 5S (environmental improvement) (※ especially 2S (organize and tidy)) there is what.
That customers had been a company of Meizeyo to liver.
True ruler of the company is a customer.
To “create a customer” is a business.
President go to the place of the customer, it goes even one person president.
Iterator to one day a week or more companies do not.
Meet your requirements, to perform the correct services.
Service is the “heart”. Do our sincerity to all of the business
To sell the real thing.
5. Whether the business and activities towards the world circulating always act thinking.
17. Companies in the service manual
Visitors (customers, postal worker’s, delivery shop, trader, collecting engagement’s, salesman, your neighbors) to those of, even if the other party is in everyone, and once interrupted the work, large always in voice, to welcome the “May I help you?”. (There is a possibility of change by the method of the Toyota Production Management)
If the business is unknown, “Do you want me to ask you?” I ask.
If, when you have desires wait more than three minutes, recommend the chair.
To convey the “please, please call,” “Please, Please wait over”.
If found to 5 minutes or more of the stay, the customer is served a cup of tea, etc. within 5 minutes come.
Some sweets, etc., put together with the tea, if your stay is more than 20 minutes, replacing the soon tea. When you serve tea is served with words and word “please”, “to hot” or “please within cold”, respectfully put out.
When you go out during your stay, go to your buckwheat of facing your front called “Please Please slowly”.
If visitors to the house is Irasshare when you return to the office, to the willing greetings as “not Sha need”.
18. Dress-grooming manual
Male Female common
○ every day, a bath or shower, the shampoo.
○ in for work the factory, according to the health management manual.
○ shoes, if you take off the slippers and the like, then so is easy to wear people to use, and neatly aligned the heel towards the direction of travel, neatly arranged.
◯ to manage and record that conforms to ISO22000.
○ visit, hospitality, wear clothing that does not give discomfort to the company designation of shirt or partner, according to the TPO, wear tie, business suit, the blazer.
○ shirt, put neatly into the trousers, jumper to the front of the zipper.
○ when environmental maintenance is carried out in the work easy clothes.
○ hair, pay beard, attention, such as the nails, always clean, bear in mind to give a good impression.
○ to wear the company designation of clothes or clean clothing.
○ when environmental maintenance, wear work easy clothes.
○ hairstyle is neat and clean in appearance, by, for example, long hair tie, hair so as not to block the line of sight.
○ manicure, makeup, so as not be a flashy.
19. annual events calendar (June 2016 July to 2017)
The name of the event ○ monthly meeting ● held a guideline first Saturday
● held time
AC comparator ISO study meeting the General Assembly management departure
The Toyota study
Dates and other events scheduled ※ the Toyota Production System, ISO22000, product knowledge, amoeba, TPM, philosophy, 5S (environmental maintenance) (※ especially 2S (organize and tidy)), conferencing, and product development, meetings, if necessary holding
July 7/2 ○
August 8/6 ○ ◯ ○ (management plan recital 8/13
September 9/3 ○ ○
October 10 / ◯ after black vinegar Festival ○ ○ 8th black vinegar Festival 10/22 (11:00 to 15)
Employee training trip of about November 11 / ○ ○ night two days (draft)
December 12 / ○ ○
January New Year meeting January 1 / ○ New Year ○ ○ 2017 years
February 2 / ○ ○ the General Assembly
March 3 / ○
April 4 / ○ Hanami Board ○ ○ Hanami Board
May 5 / ○
June 6 / ◯ recital after ○ ○ ○ management plan recital 6 to August
※ All of the date and time is scheduled. There is also the possibility of change. In the case of changes to the contact at the meeting and the morning meeting, etc.
20. Organizational Structure organizational chart (was based on the Amoeba Management)
2016 August 13, current
Oyama Foods Co., Ltd. [name] ※ representative is excluded
★: section leader
☆: Team Leader
Quality control manager:
“Part” “team”
Sales department [name] ★
Production part [name] vinegar, the first factory team: ★
Konjac and Agri-processing and the second factory team: ☆
Mercy team:
Rotation system for women ※
Management section [name] ★
21. Other
There is also a continuing of the contents from the previous fiscal year. The following is the other action items.
Fully incorporate the Toyota Production System, and company-wide operations.
It gets the ISO22000. (First of all, with respect to Mercy)
Alcohol production and sales (the liqueur business) will put into orbit in the next year.
Make the launch of the Institute on the seasoning.
Implementation contents, 1. “Books of fermented food” create … continue
2. Collaborative Research … continue with universities
3. Research … continuation of the production method
BtoC, with the start of the mail-order sales of personal interest, set up a small call center (personal computer platform, CTI * system type, customer management software suite) to you. … Continue
Capital investment, the implementation of the stadium maintenance
Maintenance · · · · · · continuation of the bottling line
Maintenance · · · · · · · · continuation factory ceiling
Implementation ………………….. continuation of the summer measures
Security …………. continued around turtle
Greening ···················· continuation of venue
Agricultural processing plants maintenance · · · · · · · · continue
House maintenance and repair ………. new that conforms to ISO22000
Hall maintenance ……… new conforming to the Toyota Production System
Proactive approach to the organic JAS
Efforts ………… continuation of the organic JAS rice vinegar
Efforts ……… continuation of the organic JAS konjac
Efforts ……… continued into the organic JAS agricultural processed goods
Efforts …………. continuation of organic brown rice cultivation
Holding of the 8th black vinegar festival
Following the last time, it will be held on the 8 th of black vinegar festival.
Nearby and people, with feeling of gratitude to the community of everyone, to hold a festival to get a taste of the new vinegar just finished the turtle charged black vinegar at Aya factory.
◎ Dates (Draft): 2016 October 22 (Saturday)
◎ content (draft): New vinegar tasting, black vinegar cuisine tasting, entertainment. Store openings, etc.
Recycling society, recycling-oriented agriculture to efforts
No pesticide-free fertilizer brown rice, konjac potato, and the efforts towards the production of processed agricultural goods raw materials, we will accelerate efforts to build a recycling-oriented society.
In an effort to build a recycling-oriented society, it is (a joint project of the like) Hano tackle as a new business plan (tentative name) excrement processing materials business of the start scheduled from autumn.
※It has been translated into English in English translation software.
I think the funniest English translation is there are many.
Please note.